Monday, March 16, 2020


Now What!

(Scroll down to "The Playlist" and hit play before reading... works better that way!)

Quarantine, Social Distancing and Shutdowns... Holy Cow! These are definitely strange times!
Ok ok, let's not panic. If you are lucky enough to already work from home, or your company has requested that you work from home; look at it as a way to recharge your batteries. 

Well, we're here to help get you through all of this. We've whipped up a cure all "Chicken Tortellini" Soup, a great Quarantini cocktail and of course some tunes to help make you smile and forget about why you're hanging around the house in the first place.

Wash your hands... The Pots Are On!

The Plate... 

Chicken Tortellini Soup

Ok, this is not your Grandma's Chicken Soup... but it sure does seem like it cures what ails you. And, the best thing is you can do this in your slow-cooker. So, you have plenty of time to do whatever it is you do when you are practicing your Social Distancing. 

What you need... 

3 large bone-in chicken breasts
1 cup celery
1 cup sliced carrots
3/4 cup sliced onions
2 bay leaves
Salt & Pepper
6 cups water (or chicken stock)
1 8oz package dried tortellini (cheese, spinach, mushroom or whatever you like)
1 tsp of fresh thyme
2 tbsp fresh chopped parsley

What you do...

Grab your crock pot and add the chicken, celery, carrots, bay leaves, salt & pepper and water. 
Cover and cook on low for 7 hours.
After that time, shred the chicken with two forks add it back to the pot with the tortellini, thyme and parley.
Cook on high until the tortellini are tender (about 20 minutes).
Serve warm with crackers or French bread.

The Playlist... 


This ain't your mama's playlist. There will be no "reaching out, hands touching hands" stuff going on here. But, hopefully these will get you off your seat and jumping around. 

Crank It Up... not like your going to bother anybody!
             The "Playlist" runs on Spotify-Click on the link to listen to Quarantined

The Mix... 

COVID Quarantini

What you need...

Dash of Lime
(See what we did there)

What you do...

Mix 2 parts Cranberry and Orange to one part Vodka over ice in a shaker. 
Pour into a chilled martini glass. 
Add a dash of lime and garnish with a few cranberries.  

Say A Little Prayer...

And Look After Each Other!

Please... Day Drink Responsibly 

Keep On Cookin'!

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